soundscape @ Geometry of Sentiments (1a soace 2024)
soundscape @ Geometry of Sentiments (1a soace 2024)
sound installation
A 30 mins long site specific soundscape composed the locational reocrding of ambience sound, object's sound in the space nad audio source from the digital archive of 1aspace. All the audio source are play via transducer speaker attached to objects / structure set in the venue.
A 30 mins long site specific soundscape composed the locational reocrding of ambience sound, object's sound in the space nad audio source from the digital archive of 1aspace. All the audio source are play via transducer speaker attached to objects / structure set in the venue.

Phase 2 Exhibition On-site Recording documentation |9 March – 14 April 2024

sound distribution concept structure in the space

4a/ 以聲音的空間性去淹沒本來的期許
4b/ 白盒子曬街燈
4c/ 啊,下雨了
4d/ 餵飼槽內的耳語
4e/ 純粹鐵閘
4g/ 來去水
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4a/ Submerge the original expectations with the spatiality of sound 4b/ The white box basks in the street light
4c/ Ah, it's raining
4d/ Whispers in the feeding trough
4e/ Pure iron gate
4f/ Air circulation
4g/ Water in, Water out
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art note

| 展場還原 |
| 無形的幾何 |

(English version)
| Exhibition Space Restoration |
1a space has been stationed in the Cattle Depot for over twenty years, and I have participated in several activities in this space. However, I haven't had any profound experiences, as 1a space is a very "standard" art space in Hong Kong in terms of size, facilities, pricing, and artistic concepts. Personally, I don't have a definitive statement to describe my emotional connection to this space.
After spending some time searching through the video and audio archives in the 1a space warehouse, I discovered that there are only a few recorded sounds from within the space. Going back to the first couple of years when 1a space (along with other tenants) moved into the Cattle Depot, the "Cattle Depot Artist Village" was still a controversial public space produced by urban planning, and the stakeholders still had the energy for discussions and criticisms. Re-reading the questions from that time, after more than twenty years, I feel a sense of detachment, yet the past and present overlap: "What can the Cattle Depot Artist Village do, or what do you expect it to achieve? Should it even exist in the first place and do nothing? Or something else?"
The ideology of the art group should lead the exhibition space design within the red brick walls. "Restoration" only reveals the true appearance of the space, leaving behind iron chains, a purely iron gate, feeding troughs (that no longer serving as skirting), dusty window-type air conditioners, broken window frames, wall-mounted fans, roofs, beams, sunlight, air, and all the traces of remodeling.
| Invisible Geometry |
Exhibition spaces in white boxes usually don't consider acoustics much. When external sounds appear in the exhibition space, everyone tends to avoid disturbing others and simply go with the flow until someone complains. When these external sounds disguise themselves as the inherent sounds of the exhibition space, describing its dimensions, materials, height, and width, will it exacerbate the troubles outside the exhibition space?

making of

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  • Sound of speech excerpt from Cyd Ho and Ma Fung Kwok of their opening speech in 2002 891011 Cattle Depot festival
  • Sound of speech by Leung Man Tao - as moderator of the forum to ask “What we can do in Cattle Depot Artist Village
  • more excerpt of speech in the above 2002 forum
  • Metal chain handling
  • Iron gate handling
  • On-site record ambience room tone
  • Me closing the window one by one
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Exhibition @ DECODE 1.0

11 – 25/08/2024 \Exhibition Venue: Jockey Club Future Laboratory of Arts Tech 3/F, South Tower, PolyU West Kowloon Campus, 9 Hoi Ting Rd, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
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