What triggered me:
- 聲音工作者咖唔甘心之 復仇計劃其中之一,明明就cinema入面一半半既野
- 我做聲,我只想賣聲
- 粉筆畫黑板其實算唔算直接騷擾腦部,好q暴力,而且永沒有客觀標準去度,斤以我有感覺聆覺神經學上的一d野可能都關事,唔單只係關聲音既content。更可以係佢metaphiscally上的事情
by Horowitz, Seth S - The Universal Sense: How Hearing Shapes the Mind - 另外sound drug 售賣,乜味都有,仲講到係毒品有bad trip咁wo,咁算點 http://www.sound-drugs.com/ **Sound-drugs website closed down
- elevator music 都係,仲要係painlessdrug
- whether it is possible to get a III級 with sound only.
seems it can touch something about
- relationship with the embedding / relationship / priority of sound in the judgement , (e.g. censor) 即係,例如 假設happy tree friends (w/ sound) 係3級,咁 happy tree friends (w/O sound) 呢? 又或者sound only,去同一個電檢。會點樣唔同法,censor panel會點judge
- what sound /personal experience / scenario of listening / _____ is triggering / depicting the Cruelty, Torture or Violence / fear / harrasment / etc (not exactly the wording that shown ihe censor guideline. in Part V , 13 whether the film portrays, depicts or treats cruelty, torture, violence, crime, horror, disability,sexuality or indecent or offensive language or behaviour.’
- Zoie did told me something she thought the sound is super violence. that is a time when she was fighting 跆拳. and she was beaten to a “fake deaf state” which makes her feel fear and “ violence
- Gigi & Feipang told me some of their experience last night. but i forget. Need to ask them back
- so i found
- what level did sound only can make the depictions of nudity
- the language of talking about the element in cinema (image + sound + ??)
- is the volume / amplitude / sound set up (e.g if 5.1 is easier to trigger than Stereo) of sound a matter? is it even ok ? or should I do atmos? or it actually doesnt really matters
or that I might need to reach:
- 淫褻物品審裁處(英語:The Obscene Articles Tribunal)
- 通訊事務管理局 Communications Authority,
- 通訊事務管理局辦公室 Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority CLOSED
- 電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處
- 報 刊 及 物 品 管 理 科
- 電 影 科
The judgement: Censor
and the law part:
淫褻 obscenity & indecency不雅
** When I go into this censor, the output (which I want to emphasis in the sound only must be in the form of Board casting / CINEMA , (which the Office of film, newspaper and article administration can handle with)
in Screening an event going to happened / and export a DVD for the people to check in a room with watching the video (with sound) frame by frame with fast forward button pressed on the remote
Film Censorship Guidelines for Censors 1999" :
In a censor guideline:
some words i am searching
- (a) 殘暴、虐待或暴力 Cruelty, Torture or Violence
- (b) 恐怖和驚嚇 Horror and Shock
- (c) 殘缺Disability
- (d) 性與裸體 Sex and Nudity
- (e) 語言 Language
- (f) 令人厭惡的行為及罪行 Offensive Behaviour and Criminality
- 性暴力
- 過份暴力或虐待
- 易於模仿的危險動作或犯罪技術
- 鼓吹、唆使或詳細說明如何使用危險藥物
- 獸交、姦屍、涉及令人厭惡變態(例如性虐待狂或性被虐狂)或亂倫的性行為
- 黑社會的描繪
- 提及某一類公眾人士的膚色、種族、宗教信仰、民族來源、原屬國籍或性別, 而以此污蔑或侮辱該類人士
19. The degree to which standards for depiction of violence can be relaxed in relation to Category IIB and Category III can be generally considered in the following terms:--- (a) if violence is depicted in a way which would not cause terror in children, but might invite imitation, then it should be considered whether parental guidance is appropriate: this would indicate Category IIB; (b) if the violence is depicted in a way which might terrorize, hurt or seriously unsettle children and young people, but there are sufficient other elements in the film which might make such an effect justifiable, then the film can be shown under Category III.
19. 關於第 IIB 級和第 III 級影片描繪暴力標準的放寬程度,大致上可按下列情況考慮 : (a) 倘影片描繪的暴力不會使兒童產生恐懼,但可能會促使兒童模仿,則應考慮是否需要 規定在父母引導下才可觀看 ; 這顯示可把該影片列入第 IIB 級 ; (b) 倘影片描繪的暴力可能會令兒童和青少年感到恐懼、受到傷害或嚴重驚擾,但影片中 如有其他因素足以證明這種效果確有需要,則可把影片列入第 III 級放映。
36. 若干行為被公認為妨害社會利益、傷風敗俗或有違一般的道德標準, 因此以下題材都不得 於任何電影出現 :
Even valid for appling the judgement on Cinema Title (the text)
成人與未成年的分別 , so the censor guideline do want to show the “caring” / “protection” towards the Children…. with many assumption of children. (stupid children) , as well as the ability of parental guiding
在2014 年通訊局就持牌廣播機構的違規個案所施加的懲處次數
need to get Business Registraion (No. 88) NGO
otherwise it will charge $1400 each time
To constructing the soundtrack
- Obviously it will be quite difficult to judge that with language among the verbal material. What kinds of sound other than the verbal one (mainly mean language, 呻吟 can be non-language) >?
- I want the first one I sent to censor is a manifesto, making explicitly what my framework is . Not sure it will be a big deal with the censor panel.
- Based on people’s experience that I collected. and then dissipating in the way I interpreted. maybe add some of their speech? if that verbal material is important. I do think that need to be included
- my imagination / contextualisation of sound based not eh keywords in the guideline launched by the governmental department
Some Trial Steps / approach for constructing the soundtrack
Level 0 Obvious approach , and take those for granted , more comprehensive as there is reference point
- 買一條已經係三級既片番來,拎走畫面,再過電檢。
After Level 0 , there should be some bottom line for myself as the constrain of the sound element i used. Here I should consolidate once again:
Level 1A direct Association in content
Level 1B to build up the slope and tension curve but not just shock

Level 1C metaphyiscally harmful violent
- Ultra sound , extreme high pitch (compared to human listenable specturm, treat you as mosquito
- envolope of :
- Chalk board fingernail
- Shock, sudden, loud
Level X, to trigger the internal volcano
Level Y , music concrete
- rumble of the train and the hum of air conditioner,
What Material I expect I can collect
- the sound track (plus a slug), so it is a video with sound) i made for Censor (some DVD)
- the note that i interview people about their shit experience in sound ( the research)
- the forms I filled in for censor
- the paper I get from censor, 電影檢查條例核准證明書》(簡稱「電檢紙」)副本 Not sure how many would I get.
- but it means something if I can get a rank III at the very beginning. /
And the review steps in between each submission (Prototype??)
- Mock review session in somewhere?
- how
some fact:
from wikipedia
Direct Association :
- TONSTURM 15 | Gore & Slaughter http://www.tonsturm.com/files/a09134c857a7d46b99972a8bc0e21a84-35.html featuring all the flesh and blood sound
- Tagging in the sound library with #violence usually are those hit, punch, metal broken debris, etc.
- 操鄉音而被discriminate (大圍火車站事件)
Noise Water Meat P.256 After taking LSD Anaïs Nin herself began to feel immersed in a fluid space as the doors , walls and windows began liquefying " It was as if I been plunged to the bottom of the sea, and everything had become undulating and wavering" Through this experience she discovered why women weep: "IT IS THE QUICKEST WAY TO REJOIN THE OCEAN"
#inspiration 1
Today I met 2 CUHK fine art students
Vivian the girl suggest me to go through those pornographic for blind people.
good read
(根據《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》(第 390 章) 第 5 條成立)
to Apply Here
Continue on 2025:
- 找電檢的人? 蕭恒,前影視處行政主任(電影)
- 香港電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處 + 淫審 先有三級紙出現
- 片名都關事 NOP
step by step trial ?
條(紅)線o係邊度? 依家年代做更好